Monday, September 27, 2010

Double Bubble Map

           Star wars and Jason "quest for the golden fleece" are very similar. They have share similar traits such as having sword skills and magical powers on their side. But also Luke used his brians to get himself out of tight situations while jason fought his way out with his strength. Luke skywalker is a young and naive. But relies on the force and a gun at his side to fight his enemies. While Jason relies on his strength and sword to get the job done. "He forced first one and then the other down on its knees and fastened the yoke upon them, while all wondered at his prowess". (page 172, lines 24-26). Jason used his power to defeat the dragon-teeth men. While Luke disguises himself as a stormtrooper to avoid confrontation with the enemy. Also Luke and Jason both save have friends and followers help them in their quests. Such as Luke has Obi Won and Hon Solo help him in his ques tto save princess Lela. While Jason has Hercules and Orpheus to help him. "They came, all the best and noblest to join the company". (page 163, line 3-4). This shows that they had allies to haelp them in their quests. Lastley each hero had some source of magic of magical power to help them on their quest. Luke had the force which he learned from Obi Won. And Jason had Medra to use her magical powers to aid their quest. "They rested on the oars, and Medra kneeling prayed to the hounds of hades to come and destroy him". (page 174, line 24-26). Both heros had supernatural aids to help them in their quests. one was the force and the other was magic and prayers to the gods.

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